High School & Vocational Studies Scholarship in Finland

Connect with the Founders of the Finest Future Program...

WiDS Africa Conference: Where women data scientists #BreakTheBias

Mahadia Tunga, dLab Co-Founder and Director of Data Science...

Building a data ecosystem in developing countries: dLab’s experience in Tanzania

Stephen Chacha Tanzania Data Lab (dLab), Executive Director Data...

Empowering Women to Join the Data Revolution

By Mahadia Tunga  Co-Founder and Director of Data Science...

Mapathon Winners: Raising awareness of HIV Hotspots in Kinondoni District

Two mappers have won a dLab mapping competition that...

Pitching for change at the dLab Accelerator Virtual Demo Day

It takes a lot to launch and sustain a...

The power of data: dLab empowers women through Data4Her

“It feels like I have become a new person....

How dLab is empowering girls to #CodeLikeAGirl

There is a misconception that “STEM is for boys”....

dLab organizes Data Driven Social Media Campaign To Promote Awareness On HIV/AIDS

Tanzania Data Lab (dLab) is inviting MALE university students...

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